Detect intruders in your servers

Traitorbird canary tokens detect if a system has been compromised. Use them with on-premise computers, cloud servers, or your third party services like continuous integration or source code repositories.

Large enterprises have in-house security teams to manage this comprehensive detection, Traitorbird makes it simple for smaller teams and individual professionals to access the same powerful tool.

Elevate your security.

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Advanced security tools for everyone

  1. Create canary token credentials. Place them in the systems you want to monitor.
  2. Any intruder or malware that compromises the system will find the credentials. Because they are indistinguishable from genuine AWS credentials, they are likely to attempt to use them.
  3. You will be alerted within minutes, with alerts that are 5 times faster than the leading Enterprise grade system.
  4. Alerts include the IP address and other details, to help your incident response.

Simple, transparent and sustainable pricing.

Hassle free: No sales calls or contracts.

Extra security, without extra risk.

Detect if services you depend on have been compromised

Millions of businesses depend on third party services to store source code, run tests, host applications, manage projects, and much more. Like everything, these services can be vulnerable, and the wealth of data they store makes them a very attractive target.

If the service that hosts your source code is hacked, then as a small company the first you might learn about it is from the news.

By embedding canary tokens into data you store in third party services, you get the same advantage as a Fortune 500 company with a large dedicated security team, at a tiny fraction of the cost.

Zero-trust security

Generate your tokens in your online account and then place them in your protected servers, PCs, or services. No server or appliance is required inside your firewall, no code needs to run on your systems, and no complex configuration is required.

Track down hackers without making your systems more vulnerable.

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